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App Development

Integrate optimal mobile experiences into your digital strategy.

Mobile application development

As the digital world moves towards prioritizing mobile formats, there is a strong incentive to offer mobile services. But for yours to succeed, you need coherence in functionality across all your platforms, from applications to your website and social media profiles.

Thanks to mobile applications, you will be able to offer your customers the best user experience on smartphones and tablets, thereby increasing your sales. In the case of internal use applications, you can improve and optimize your processes.

At Studio128K create the experience your business needs in the realm of native apps to increase your profit in the digital channel. Thanks to native applications, you will be able to offer your customers the best user experience on smartphones and tablets, thereby increasing your sales or improving and optimizing your internal processes.

Mobile application development

As the digital world moves towards prioritizing mobile formats, there is a strong incentive to offer mobile services. But for yours to succeed, you need coherence in functionality across all your platforms, from applications to your website and social media profiles.

Gracias a las aplicaciones móviles conseguirás ofrecer a tus clientes la mejor experiencia de uso en smartphones y tablets, incrementando así tus ventas, o en el caso de aplicaciones de uso interno, mejorar y optimizar tus procesos.

En Studio128K creamos la experiencia que tu negocio necesita en el ámbito de las APPs nativas para así incrementar tu beneficio en el canal digital. Gracias a las aplicaciones nativas conseguirás ofrecer a tus clientes la mejor experiencia de uso en smartphones y tablets, incrementando así tus venta o mejorando y optimizando sus procesos internos.

Why Develop a Native App?

Native app design allows you to fully leverage the performance and capabilities offered by a mobile phone or tablet.

In a native app, we can increase browsing speed, geolocate the user’s position, use the camera, access the contacts list, detect movements, send notifications with offers/promotions, use advanced gestures and interactions, and more. While some of these features can be simulated in certain browsers, they will never match the advanced and complete experience of a native app. Major companies across all sectors (fashion, travel, education, food, banking, technology, etc.) choose this option, despite having a responsive version available.

Native App or Responsive Web?

Despite the evolution of standards that enables more powerful websites, we are still far from equating the browser experience with that of a native app.

The reason is that a native app allows direct and efficient access to the internal tools and sensors of the mobile device (camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc.), enabling the creation of completely innovative and effective user experiences, which consequently have a significant impact on business outcomes.

Admin Panel

Every mobile application is associated with an admin panel or back office and an API.

The back office is the private part used for administering the application. From here, you can manage the information displayed in your mobile app. This enhances our clients’ independence with their mobile applications. The term API stands for Application Programming Interfaces, which are the non-visible, internal circuits that only developers see and connect to make a tool work.

Are you ready to find the best solution for your business?